Sunday, April 27, 2008

038_no no.4

This picture was taken from a department store. The storey numbers jump from 3rd to 5th. Wait a minute. Where is the 4th storey?! Chinese people classify no.4 as unlucky number because its pronunciation is similar to the one of the word ‘dead’ in Chinese. Such belief is even stronger in Cantonese-speaking society. I once worked on a project in Hong Kong. It was very confusing when it came to numbers of storey…


wanderlustje said...

There was a skyscraper which didnt have 14th storey because of superrstition, and once, it was being used for bungee jumping, and no one knew it was one storey short, so the bungee jumper jumped, hit the ground, and died!!

urbanomania said...

So by removing number 4 doesn't mean you can prevent death. Where is that tower?
However, it's funny that people still buy 4D like crazy. They should consider changing to either 3D or 5D instead. :)

wanderlustje said...

I dunno where that tower is..somewhere in China. A chinese developer told me the story.

Chey, if there is anything to gain, no one cares about the number 4 anymore, hence 4D will always remain 4D.